Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wasatch Ghostrider White IPA

First beer review on the new site, and I'll keep it short and sweet. Wasatch Beers Ghostrider White IPA. There's a lot of buzz about white IPA's ever since a rather well known producer of Belgian white beer started making one. Now, I haven't tried their product yet, because I tend to look for what I think will be good beer. As far as Wasatch's white IPA, if you can find it, BUY IT!! This beer is not loaded with spice and orange peel (not that there's anything wrong with that) but it is perfectly balanced with just the right amount of hopiness to not overpower the subtleties that you want in a Belgian white. Ghostrider is an IPA that can be refreshing on a hot day or enjoyed with a meal. I had it with grilled chicken and it complimented the meal nicely. Though, I don't see why you couldn't enjoy this with a steak, or even burgers and hot dogs. Though there is a sort of sour quality that you get with white's that may not pair so well with sweet flavors. All in all, I give Wasatch Beers Ghostrider White IPA two thumbs up and highly recommend

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