Monday, May 16, 2016

Not So Mighty Squirrel

Mighty Squirrel's claim to fame, and reason it ended up in my bar is 5 grams of protein, which is not typical in a beer. It's not typical in a beer, because the addition of protein in beer reaps uncertain results in flavor and clarity. SO, most brewers try to keep it out of their product. And in my humble opinion after trying this, they should continue to keep it out. Squirrel was the code word used by the brain trust that developed this beer in place of the word "protein." They felt that if they spoke too freely about what they were developing, someone might overhear them and steal their brilliant idea. And this is the tip of the iceberg about what's wrong with this beer. This was brewed by a group of people that viewed it solely as a business venture, and not as a labor of love because of passion for beer. This was the first recipe they came up with that wasn't cloudy and apparently drinkable. It has a hint of honey and apple, thought those aren't ingredients used, and give almost a kind of mild sourness that all around makes Mighty Squirrel a disappointing 12oz. I know, up until now, I've done nothing but praise the beers I've reviewed here, but it was time to let the public know, that there are in fact beers that exist, that let me down. They are few and vey far between, but they're out there. All in all, if you want a lighter beer, that boasts a few grams of protein to reward yourself with after a workout, give Mighty Squirrel a try. For me, I probably won't be investing in another 6 pack of this when there are many other light beers, that actually taste good. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Bow to your Sensi!

Yes,yes I know! another beer from Sixpoint. with it. as long as this brewer continues to pump out some of the finest beers I have ever had the privilege of introducing my taste buds to, they will probably fill up a lot of real estate on this site. And this magnificent review belongs to Sensi! a delightful wet hopped beer. Yes-WET HOPPED!

Now, most beers that we consume, and enjoy mind you, are hopped with dried hop pellets as a result of the hop harvest coming once a year. This is done so that the breweries can preserve their hops and continue to brew year round. Sixpoint said to themselves: "hey...why don't we save a few of the fresh hop cones and...I dunno...make a beer with them?" Well whoever decided this should be done deserves a raise!

Sensi is a wonderful hoppy ale, with a delicious dry citrus note that dances the bitterness away on your taste buds as you eagerly anticipate the next symphony of hop brilliance...which won't be far away...seriously, this stuff's hard to put down. Unfortunately, due to the nature of this beer's ingredients, Sensi is only available for a limited time. But, if you are fortunate enough to catch sight of a six pack at your local store, don't hesitate to grab hold!